
Yes, Saturday indeed, but that does not stop my Singaporean university and professor to throw in an extra lecture. 12.45 we were all back in the classroom for one of his lovely sessions.

Due to the weekday he was a bit more relaxed though, and came to school in a Hawaiian shirt. He looked so funny that I had to take a picture of him. (this of course made him really proud)

The lecture itself was a bit tiring, especially since we went out to a club yesterday with Nicos workmates and did not sleep very much last night.

After school I met up with Nico for some hours of shopping malls and a nice sushi dinner. After that we continued the Saturday to Marina Bay, where “Ben & Jerry”- the favorite ice cream company had a big event and advertising festival. They were introducing 12 new flavors of ice cream that is still not on the market, and had gathered live band playing while people were walking around trying different delicacies.. lovely!!

After enjoying two new cinnamon and walnut ice-creams we headed for a glass of Prosecco in an Italian bar/ restaurant next to the water. Sweet ending.

Now we’re back home for some good 5 hours of sleep before heading to Malaysia.. Tomorrow at 6 we leave with the bus. wiie.

Good night.

weird man in town, swinging huge "necklaces"

Marina Bay

Click to see a better view of my handsome professor



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