Living in a coconut

if we come back to europe a bit changed.. dont blame us.

we are living in a nest of seriously weird me;



1)  we live next door to a british old (around 60 years) santaclause, living with his "boyfriend", an old skinny australian man with mustache..

these guys are very talkative and creepy, and if u accidentally meet them in the hallway you are sure to be stuck there to listen to their histories about life,death and food.. not very interesting.

to add to the awkwardness they have given me a nickname; “everlasting love”.

to add even MORE to the weirdness they occasionally fight inside their room... when you hear and old man yelling to another old man; "dont hit me in the head you bloody bastard" it is time to look yourself inside your room til the storm is over.


2) occasionally when you open the door you find 3 phillipin guys dancing vals or tango..together.. randomly!

this implies that we sometimes hear classical music in the late hours, with the repeating guidelines 1,2,3..1,2,3...

 apparently they are dance teachers that cannot legally work in singapore..guess thats why they feel like transforming our livingroom to their private dance studio


3) another phillipine guy introduced himself in the kitchen the other day. i have already met this guy ans spoken to him many times. but apparently not! he told me not to be afraid or confused if i see him around alot or in different outfits; he apparently shared room with his twin brother which is a complete(!!!) copy.


4) as I stated before you frequently hear puking sounds from the corridor. especially from an old chinese businessman that seems to be highly unable to talk.


5) and the other day the old gay couple accused me of stealing their cucumber(!!??) First of all; we keep our cucumber in OUR fridge. Second of all; if I would steal something, would I honestly steal a cucumber from them?



Anyways, tomorrow we leave the nut house and spend the weekend in BALI!! =)




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