Lazy days on the beach

Hey hey hey

Now it is monday again and time to schedule the coming week. A lot of school, assignments and groupworks are on the schedule, which is not the most exciting. But life cannot always be holiday, shopping and sunshine, although I wish that was the case…

This weekend we have spent two full days on the beach in Sentosa, a kind of island belonging to Singapore. Two full days in the sun.. I understand the concern.. “Is she now dating a piece of barbecue coal, a gingerbread man, a Seal copy?”

Don’t worry. Heavy use of the highest sun protection that they offered in Mustafa; sun factor 70 + saved Nico from burning up in flames. He is still in one piece, happy, alive and a bit tanned.

More worrying at the beach however were all the Indians walking along the beach fully dressed with timberland boots and heavy jumpers with cameras in their hands and one mission; taking pictures of girls in bikini.

Disgusting..  Tip of the day; Ladies put some clothes on if you are going to sentosa beach. Better to be white as a mozzarella than end up in the indian web community.  

End of sad topic.. Continue with the weekend story…

The Saturday evening was really cozy and pleasant and started with a dinner in Brotzeit, a german bar and restaurant belonging to Nico’s internship company. The staff was very nice, the service was great, the food was delicious and the beer was big, tasty and bubbly, a real mood booster. To add the pleasure of the visit, I was so proud seeing the art work of my darling hanging on the walls. He had designed the poster for the Brotzeit chain’s October fest which will be held in the restaurants in October.

Completely full and happy (and a big promise to come back soon) we continued to the New Asia Bar; the best bar for an amazing view. Great music, brilliant location and a lot of Scandinavians.. Although we found some ugly fishes also here. This time it was old, fat,bold and creepy men buying their Asian entertainment for the night. It was not the most relaxing and pleasant view to see these old grandfathers trying to sway their hips and look sexy with their escorts to the beat of beyonce.

somebody ate a bit too much german food? ;)

Well oh well. We live in a wacko world. This gave us yet another reason of being thankful for our reality. So we just smiled, cheered and enjoyed the night!


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