Common food allergy?

I have a very big issue and question that I want to investigate. What is it that makes everybody here in Singapore puke, or kind of coughing hairballs all day long?

First I thought it was just a coincidence that all of the people I met seemed to have something stuck in their throat and making vomiting noises. Like if there was an epidemic or flu or something.


Now, Im not so sure anymore. There has to be something else. People in our flat, in school, in the underground, on buses… the list can be made very long of people that seem to have digesting or eating problems. They are behaving like cats that are trying to spit out hairballs.


I wonder why. Is there a clinical linkage between eating the same food every day and vomiting? Can it be the fact that they eat the same thing all day long, everyday? The fact that they eat rice and noodles for lunch and dinner, but ALSO breakfast!?



Or is it all the spicy food that is the villain in this case? The garlic that they eat in everything?

Trust me, I am a fan of garlic. Even though I don’t love the smell when it is rooted in somebody’s mouth, I love garlic in food. But there is a limit. Garlic for breakfast is not my cup of tea.


If anyone thinks they have the solution to this problem, PLEASE let me know. At least I could try to cure the people in our house, since I am getting fed up by hearing people puke and make disgusting noises all day and night long.

Please someone, give me an answer before me and Nico starts puking like the rest..


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