My man, my star, my saviour

Met Nico around 6 in the afternoon after his second work day. And what does the cutie hand over to me??
Chewing gums!!

Feeling like a heavy criminal I quickly threw the chewing gums in my bag and look around my shoulder..
Now we know the real truth...
Yes, it is illegal to buy and sell chewing gums, BUT you may use chewing gums if you have a prescription from a doctor.
You are allowed to chew the "dental" chewing gums that you can buy with the recipes from a doctor/dentist.. 
To make the story short Nico has a new good contact at work who knows somebody with the prescription and I now have 2 packages of chewing gums in my bag... Im gonna treat and use them with love.

Thank you darling. Good work from a nice guy. Although the same guy was not the ideal son yesterday forgetting about his mums birthday. We blame the time difference..
But HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TERESA!! These pictures are dedicated to you


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