Lost in spices

I did it again. I got lost in Mustafa center. We started this lovely Tuesday with a morning session at the gym together, after which Nico went to work and I went home to eat breakfast and make myself ready for the day.

Since I don’t have a lot to do before school starts next week, I promised Nico to do some errands for him. He needed to buy food boxes and I was sure that I would find them in Mustafa since mr Mustafa supplies everything you can possibly need in life. But, on the third floor I accidently took the wrong turn and ended up in the “spice” area.
It might seem like an easy fix to get out from the spice area, but think again. This is no regular spice area with salt, pepper and maybe some chili. We are situated in “Little India” which means spice- heaven for the Indian population. Miles long corridors with cinnamon, curry, nutmeg, dill, mustard etc. The lack of cardamom in Italy has now been substituted in different forms. Green, red, black and grounded cardamom, all the cardamom you could possibly want. And as if all the spices were not confusing enough for me I was also pushed around by loads of Indian woman on curry hunt. I gave it a try to excuse myself to pass them and find the exit, put it was impossible. The English is very difficult to understand, and I think that my only Indian language skills “Berhati-hati di Ruang Platform” (meaning= “mind the platform gap”, which I learned in the underground train) would come in better hand than “Excuse me, can I pass”.

After a long while I was finally out in the fresh air and I promise every single one of you that I will not return to Mustafa before I have a map or an indian-english dictionary in my hand!


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