Forbid barefoot travellers

We are now in Singapore after around 10 hours of flight. Rather okey journey except from minor disruptions from a little thaiman behind us, some screaming babies and people who felt the need of releasing more gas then is acceptable for travellers’ pleasure. 

But the biggest issue was definitely the little middle aged barefoot man behind us. Not funny at all to have somebody elses feet in your face, scratching your back and pushing your arm. There should be a law against barefoot travellers on airplanes. Or at least a requirement to take serious pedicure before departure. I mean, it’s serious. I could be scarred for life.. Literally!! The toe nails of that man could easily leave scares on my back for ever. 

Im the first to admit that my feet could potentially create an accident or emergency landing situation. Nobody, not even my very own family would have liked me to force my bare feet in their surroundings.     

Anyways, after we arrived in Singapore we took a taxi to our hostel which was situated in Little India. Dropped of our bags, went for a walk, passed both Nico’s work and my school (huge) ate in a typical Singaporean food stall and fixed our phone cards. First impression; HOT!! But as we know; “ We have to get used to it” and we did NOT feed he monkeys and pigeons! Today as our first full day we have been around all town, checking 3 different flats, eating delicious food. Now we are resting our feet and head, trying to come up with a plan for our living situation… Stay tuned…

Attention! Notice the feet in the background..


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