Ceremonies and a frog

Sunday morning. What could be more suitable than heading for some religious celebrations? After breakfast we decided to go to Chinatown for the first time. We took the train to Chinatown station and it actually felt like if we arrived to China. The streets were full of shops and markets who were selling all different kinds of “luck-bringing” objects and lots of weird dried fruits, food and insects.


We were really interested in visiting the different temples of the area, and started off with the indian Hindu temple, called Sri Mariamman Temple which is Singapore’s oldest. It was really beautiful and we were really lucky to enter the temple (barefoot!) while they had their Sunday ceremony. The Hindus played typical Indian music and sacrificed gifts (flowers, corn, rice& fruit) and lit candles and scents for Krishna at the table of sacrifices.     




After the Hindu ceremony we continued our religious journey to Buddha Tooth Relic Temple to please the little Buddha in us. Also this temple was amazingly beautiful with all the colors and gold sculptures, and as well in this temple we were lucky to attend the Sunday ceremony. It was completely different from the Hindu ceremony. Here, the monks all dressed in orange costumes were reading the Buddhist texts loud together while facing a big gold statue of Buddha. Also here people sacrificed fruit and flowers and lit candles while praying.



Feeling completely religious, pure and wise but also very hungry we decided to sit down for lunch. To be extra adventures we ordered frog for the first time in our life. This was the worst idea we have ever had. Not because of the frog, which was actually good meat and tasted like a mixture of chicken and white fish. But the frog was served in a pot with sooooo much pepper and spices that we were on fire. The sweat was running down our faces, backs and legs. At the end of the dinner it looked like we both took a swim and we could not stop laughing at the whole thing. We felt like two pale Europeans, trying to fit in, but ending up completely wet and crying because of the spices.


After the fire in our mouth cooled down we decided to go to the cinema. We saw “salt” with Angelina jolie which was actually a really nice movie. Great Sunday!


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