Tioman Island

What a trip. We have just had some wonderful days in Tioman, an island in Malaysia.

The trip started in a lovely way with us, me and Nico, having a private chauffeur driving us from Singapore to Malaysia on Sunday morning. We were the only one that signed up for the trip at the travel agency, which resulted in us having a minivan for own use and a nice driver. In Malaysia we took to ferry for 1,5 hours and arrived to the paradise island.

Unfortunately we did not have the best weather. The sun was absent most of the time, but the air was still warm, and somehow (don’t even ask me how) Nico burnt his face and arms really bad despite the clouds.

We lived in a small wooden cabin just 10 meters from the sea and our two full days were spent on the beach, in nature and in bars, just relaxing and walking around in a beautiful surrounding.

On Monday we took a boat to “Coral Island”, a little island with only nature to offer, to snorkel around the amazing coral reefs. Nico, who is usually not the biggest fan of sea, swimming in deep water or snorkeling, but on a snorkel mask and dived into the blue. The fishes we saw were amazing, and I would not even know how to explain them. All the different shapes, colors and patterns you can imagine, and I was very excited to see the cute (and delicious) cuttlefishes.

When we faced a HUGE blue fish by an arm length distance, Nico had enough of his brave macho sea experience, and I continued snorkeling around the water. 

When we came back from the snorkeling we found a bunch of monkeys having a tantrum outside our hotel. Between 5-8 monkeys with babies were playing around fighting and playing, and I was so astonished I just giggled from excitement. Due to their energy level and quick movements we did not catch any nice pictures though, which was a real pity!

But our dear monkey friends were not the only animals we saw on the island. The freaky lizards where present on many locations, and some of them were so big they looked like small alligators.

In the evenings we enjoyed delicious barbeque on the beach. The menu was completely up to date as we ate the village people’s catches from the day including squid, mackerel and prawns. It was really cool sitting with the feet in the sand, watching the sunset and eating delicious food, smelling the fire from the barbecue.. What a great trip



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