
On Sunday we decided to go for a little mini trip over the day. The destination was Ubin, a little island belonging to Singapore that you reach with 20 minutes by boat. Ubin is an island that has not been touched by the development, growth and improvement that Singapore has been going through the last decades. Entering the island is like going back to the 1960’s and everything is VERY different from the rest of the country.

When we arrived we went straight away to rent a bike for the day. We made a deal with the bike renter and ended up with the cheapest bike of them all; 3 SGD (=18 SEK/1,80 €) And trust me, that bicycle seat was not worth a penny more than that…Today, one day after, my “not so curvy”-ass has never been flatter and I almost feel 2-dimensional.  

The sun was really strong and it was an amazingly warm day. My dear boyfriend almost fainted and to save his head from overheating (and also improve his looks to make my day more fun) he bought a straw-hat in one of the few shops on the island.

Me and my new friend, the “rice picker” could continue the journey and went on with our biking adventure. It was really nice to bike around in the rainforest and we saw some really great views, houses, a temple and the most disgusting spider I have ever seen.

After a couple of well spent hours we took the boat over to the mainland again and went for dinner in one of the many shopping malls. Now it is Monday and time for a new week of hard work..      


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